Yachats, OR – Day Eight


Somewhere along the Oregon coast

This morning we got up and went to breakfast at our hotel, and there was nowhere to sit. A handsome 20-something-year-old young man who was sitting alone at a table for four offered to share his table with us. There was nothing spectacular about our conversation, except that he’s from Italy and lives in California, and he seemed like a very nice guy. It’s always reassuring to talk to intelligent, hard-working young people like that. It makes me feel better about our future.

It wasn’t a very pretty day – cloudy, cool, and kind of dreary. Even so, the Oregon coast is amazing. We pulled off into the Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park to look at the rocky beach for a bit. I’m sure it’s prettier when the sun is shining, but it was still nice.




We also drove through some more redwoods, which amaze me every single time I see them.

A little while later, we found a beach near the Pistol River with a lot of driftwood, which we figured out was from downed redwoods.



After Coos Bay, we stopped to see the Oregon Dunes. It was funny to try to get around in the sand. Going downward, you descend about three steps for every actual step, and coming back up is the opposite – you have to take three steps to realize one. But it was fun to run around in it. Again, I’m sure it’s much prettier when the sun is out, but we enjoyed it anyway.







When we got done tromping through the dunes, got back to our bikes and dumped the sand out of our boots, we realized it would be raining most of the rest of the way. So we dug our rain suits out and put them on.



We rode on and made it to our next hotel by around 6:30 or so. It never rained very hard, just drizzled enough to get everything all dirty.


We had had enough of being on the bikes, so we walked a little over a mile to dinner. I checked to see if we could get a ride back with Uber or Lyft, but as it happens, a little Oregon tourist town with a population of just over 700 people isn’t big enough, I guess, to support Uber. So we walked back. Tomorrow, we ride to Issaquah and finally get to see Price and Nathan!

Live hard and ride easy, friends.

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